Real Estate Development works in harmony with different and many specialties. It is a process that requires
SKY, 30 years of experience and expert solution partners in the field of Real Estate Development has network.
30 years of industry experience
Very successful projects/investments with International/Multinational Developer, Investor companies
SKY Every project/investment is special, every developer/investor is different. Therefore, the solutions are also different. Different solutions require different expertise. SKY brings together the most accurate expertise required by every project/investment and every developer/investor and ensures that these specializations work in harmony.
AYD (Shopping Centers and Investors Association)
GYODER (Real Estate and Real Estate Investment Trust Association)
ULI (Urban Land Institute)
ICSC (International Council of Shopping Centers)
MAPIC (International Retail Real Estate Exhibition)
MIPIM (International Real Estate Fair)
It closely follows the membership and activities of its institutions/organizations, as well as the national and international trends of the real estate industry, accesses up-to-date data and is in close contact with all parties of the sector.